February 27, 2003

Reconstituted States

Adam Greenfield drops An Open-Source Constitution for Post-National States over on his excellent v-2 site. Tasty food for thought, although to be perfectly honest I'm not quite sure how it relates to the real world. And for god's sake if the goal is to move forward why hold onto the regressive concept of the state?

I've never drank the social contract Kool-Aid. There is something deeply disturbing about the fact that governments somehow are vested with the ability to control everything that goes on with a give territory. And as a reluctant citizen of the Bush-Cheney fiefdom I don't need to venture far to find an example of why vesting large amounts of power in Governments is problematic. If we are looking to build a better way organize society isn't it time we look beyond the state?

Posted by William Blaze at February 27, 2003 12:17 AM | TrackBack

I can see some realworld applications for communities of squatters&homesteaders. Well those that are left anyway.

Interesting paper, thanks.

Posted by: Henry Li on March 1, 2003 10:53 AM
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