May 12, 2003

Hot Damn Its Political Warfare in Texas

52 (or 53) Texas state representatives have fled the state in order to shut down the Texas House, blocking the passage of a controversial redistricting bill. They are subject to arrest in order to be brought back to the House chamber in order to restore quorum, allowing for the House to legally operate.

In other words its all out political warfare, as some politicians are finally ready to stand up the Bush Administration's abuse of 911 to cement their power. I support them big time.

[via the Political State Report: straight from the trenches]

Posted by William Blaze at May 12, 2003 06:08 PM | TrackBack

Backbone! Makes me proud to be descended of Texas Democrats.

Posted by: Kathryn Cramer on May 14, 2003 03:11 PM

great blog. loved your post

Posted by: Dish Network on March 26, 2005 11:33 PM
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blaze fist