December 06, 2003

Attention Single Ladies

It is a little known fact that the best place in urban America to find young bachelors is at graffiti art openings. Here you will find that approximately 90% of the attendees are male and eligible. Now you might be a touch concerned that you might actually have some understanding of the art in order to converse with people. Fortunately it couldn't be further from the truth, the room will inevitably be so crowded that no one can actually look at the art anyway. This provides additional benefits to wallflowers who do not like to dance, as any movement to the beat beyond minor head nodding is physically impossible. In fact that only obstacle you will encounter during the event will be enormous lines for the free beverages provided by a large corporation vigorously attempting to improve its underappreciated brand. Enjoy.

Posted by William Blaze at December 6, 2003 12:56 PM | TrackBack

Ok. We know this already, but where do I go to meet eligible suitable ladies????

Posted by: Helmar on September 15, 2005 09:09 AM

Ok. We know this already, but where do I go to meet eligible suitable ladies????

Posted by: Helmar on September 15, 2005 09:09 AM

Ok. We know this already, but where do I go to meet eligible suitable ladies????

Posted by: Helmar on September 15, 2005 09:09 AM
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blaze fist