December 23, 2003

The Gucci Gucci and More Advertising Hits of 2003


That's from ADd Age's Top 10 Lists which also features a bit of honesty from the Philippines FHM and a bunch of other crap. Bit hard to take seriously any set of lists that includes the god awful Electric Moyo campaign for Nissan as a hit. Still worth a visit for those interested in advertising.

[via Adrants who should focus more on the rant aspect of their name...]

Posted by William Blaze at December 23, 2003 03:58 PM | TrackBack

Hm, by what measure do you say the Electric Moyo campaign wasn't a hit? As Adage points out, they definently got the word out. Sure it was a stupid campaign, but it wasn't aimed at real street artists (or graffiti obsessed geeks). It was probably aimed at upper-middle class white teenage males.

Posted by: Klint on December 23, 2003 04:41 PM

well the fact that they tore the campaign down in a week and cut it off is pretty indicative. As far as I can tell the only people who thought it was in any way cool are a couple ad execs... And personally I'm way less inclined to like Nissan now, while there is zero indication that anyone likes them more for it. Wasn't even bad in a way that generates much real publicity, the Wooster kids got mad and everyone else snoozed. I'd be damn surprised if it lead to any car sales...

Posted by: Abe on December 23, 2003 04:57 PM

Tearing the whole thing down after a week is a pretty bad sign, though I suppose a "slash and burn" technique might have been the plan...

Of course the Wooster kids got pissed, and you are no more (perhaps less) likely to buy a Nissan now... but again, it wasn't aimed at you. I mean really, what would the odds of you buying a Nissan ever have been?

Have you seen any sales figures for the Moyo yet?

Posted by: Klintron on December 23, 2003 07:01 PM

Don't think the Moyo is a car. In any
case its possible the campaign might actually have been successful, but absolutely nothing points in that direction. They killed it damn quick and haven't followed up with anything remotely similar at all. All signs point to a failed experiment.

While on the subject, I'm still wondering about the Scion campaign, it's a subset of I think Toyota. Whole new youth oriented brand. They have been supporting a lot of graf events and the like. Been pretty consistent with it too. Cars are of course butt ugly, and it's a whole new brand, no idea how successful it is...

Posted by: Abe on December 24, 2003 12:03 AM
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