January 10, 2004

3 New Sites

thickeye is still in the process of getting designed, but its already opened up new information flows in the art, tech, media space. Watch out for this one.

Jessica Miller is being hosted your's truly. Not sure what she has planned. Her her professional photographs can be found by following this link. But I'm hoping the blog equals loads more "unprofessional" photographs.

Napsterization.org is devoted to covering the stories of P2P's transforming our cultural and legal world. Run by Mary Hodder who is also the driving force behind the excellent bIPlog which is guaranteed to keep you more then on top in the latest news from the intellectual property battlefront.

Posted by William Blaze at January 10, 2004 02:09 PM | TrackBack

acura tsx http://acura-tsx.selected.sytes.net/ http://the-mortgage-lender.selected.sytes.net/ - the mortgage lender http://south-beach-hotel.selected.sytes.net/ - south beach hotel http://contact-lens-price.selected.sytes.net/ - contact lens price http://montclair-real-estate.selected.sytes.net/ - montclair real estate http://real-estate-fairfax.selected.sytes.net/ - real estate fairfax

Posted by: acura tsx on March 17, 2005 09:37 PM

acura tsx http://acura-tsx.selected.sytes.net/ http://the-mortgage-lender.selected.sytes.net/ - the mortgage lender http://south-beach-hotel.selected.sytes.net/ - south beach hotel http://contact-lens-price.selected.sytes.net/ - contact lens price http://montclair-real-estate.selected.sytes.net/ - montclair real estate http://real-estate-fairfax.selected.sytes.net/ - real estate fairfax

Posted by: acura tsx on March 17, 2005 09:39 PM
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blaze fist