April 08, 2004


Caught 20 minutes of Condi Rice's testimony to the 9-11 commision today. Her tactic is clearly to filibuster on and on about "structural" problems. A polite way to blame Clinton essentially.

But in truth she is right, there is a huge structural problem that lead to 9-11. And it's that Condoleezza Rice was the keystone of our national security apparatus.

Posted by William Blaze at April 8, 2004 11:28 AM | TrackBack

Yep, I got the same impression from her speech. I was really waiting for her to say "we were just cleaning up the messes of the idiots that were in office for the 8 or so years before our regime came to power" but in a nice way.

Posted by: Candicissima on April 8, 2004 11:32 AM

Your site is very good.


Posted by: オンラインカジノ on May 26, 2004 08:22 PM
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