April 27, 2004
Rakim Arrested?
At the Ghostface show, and they're claiming Rakim got arrested. A set up for the show or truth? I'll know soon enough...
update: according to security, the FBI was waiting for him at the show and grabbed him as he arrived, damn. Hope it's not true...
update2: MTV says it was Suffolk County plainclothes officers doing the arresting.
Posted by William Blaze at April 27, 2004 11:44 PM | TrackBackyeah the God was arrested ..the jakes waited till everyone copped a near $40 ticket to upset fans...they suck and so does K-Slay he didn't know how to warm up the crowd last night. He got booed and fell short of a good intro for Ghost who ripped it..My man Ghost impressed me all evening spittin the illest joints..peace to him, all who showed up and most of all to Rakim....
Posted by: Jo Jems on April 28, 2004 11:02 PMThat was the worst show I've ever been to. First, even though I brought a ticket a month ago I still had to wai in line for over and hour, missing Talib and Royce. Kay Slay was about as entertaining as a high school dance DJ. He pissed everyone off then they announced the Rakim got arrested. I though it was a bunch of shit at first but I guess it really happened. What the hell did he get arrested for? Ghost put on a decent show (along with a few other wu tangaz and about 20 random white dudes0 but the people running the mixer must've been drunk because it sounded like crap. I left early and I'll be downloading their music from now on. They've already got my $34.
Posted by: Big Mitch on April 29, 2004 11:07 AMDoes this form work like a guestbook?
Posted by: Jonnie on November 4, 2004 11:51 AM