November 11, 2004
Unfortunate Reminder
Both NY and the blogsphere still seem to be freaking over last weeks election and it leaves me somewhat mystified. I mean I dislike Bush as much as next human, but its not like we have a new president. We have the same president we had 2 weeks ago. Yet somehow 2 weeks ago when there was still time to influence things no one was freaking out except me and a few other heads trekking out to Ohio. Now all of a sudden we have the same president we've lived with for 4 years and everyone is bugging out. WTF? Talk about bad timing..
Posted by William Blaze at November 11, 2004 02:55 PM | TrackBackThe freakout, imo, is not about who the president is or is not, but the fact that it is really hard for us to wrap our head around the fact that more people in this country wanted him to stay in office than wanted to get rid of him. because we are so in our metro/blog-world bubble it was (and is) a total surprise that people that we share a country with are so firmly behind him and what he stands for.
Simply I think the freakout is linked to feeling alienated in our own country.
Posted by: thickeye on November 11, 2004 04:27 PMAbe, you're an island of sanity.
Posted by: Kathryn Cramer on November 14, 2004 05:16 PMI guess I should say a little more than that. I'm having much the same reaction to people's reponses as you are.
My best guess is that some people talked themselves so strongly into the idea that Bush wasn't elected the first time that this transformed itself into the idea that he couldn't be elected.
Posted by: Kathryn Cramer on November 14, 2004 05:27 PMFor me, it's the fact that with the election, we sent out the message -- both to Bush and Co. and the rest of the world -- that this American president has carte blanche. None of the offenses or even atrocities he's committed -- abroad or domestically -- prevented him from being reelected. So people are understandably left wondering what recourse do we have from here on out? -- Before the election, Bush had to consider that we were a force, and that he had to keep up at least a semblance of "reality-based" judgement, because he needed to get reelected. Now he can fully unleash his fanatical christian, faith driven, armegeddon inducing self and do whatever he wants or rather, whatever his god tells him to do. I can see how that's cause for some to freak out. I personally think that freak out could be a good thing, if it translates into more action.
Posted by: Geralyn on November 15, 2004 02:41 PMSimilar issue in Australia. For a moment, we thought we could change the world.
All that time as our governments turned into invaders, we had hope. We the people could DUMP THEM, and tell our governments in the future than an enraged democratic population still had its morals even if they didn't.
Do I feel bad about being wrong? You betcha.
Posted by: on December 21, 2004 07:10 AM