June 30, 2003

Plateau # Deleuze & Guattari Meet Lakoff in an Airport...

Definitely learning Deleuze & Guattari strange language, I can finally read them at speeds approaching my normal quickness. Yes this is intoxicating stuff. Is it a recreational or medical drug though? Or maybe just food?

Wonder if D&G ever crossed paths with Mr. George Lakoff. The would seem to turn in quite separate academic circles, but perhaps on the airport tarmac they might meet for a second. And yes there are traces of Lakoff's Moral Politics in A Thousand Plateaus:

They have special relation to families, because they link the family model to the State model at both ends and regard themselves as "great families"...

Of course D&G are so dense you could probably find traces of anything in their work. Its sort of like the bible, whatever you want is in there...

Posted by William Blaze at June 30, 2003 11:56 PM | TrackBack

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Posted by: Huynh Nhi on March 27, 2004 03:08 AM

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Posted by: Huynh Nhi on March 27, 2004 03:08 AM

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